Articles by Inessa Cukrova

Inessa Cukrova

I like to ask questions and find answers. Constantly opening new and new doors. Select the correct key to the lock can be sometimes very difficult - but then Click - I understand everything! This is an amazing feeling ...

Tango Dance for joy

Dance it up Remember the last time you danced for joy? Remember the last time you danced?   If you’re struggling with either of those questions, isn’t it time to arrange a re-visit to joy? YouTube celebrates toddlers dancing with abandon for the sheer exuberance of being alive, and I for one am unwilling to…

What they don’t teach in school

“Education, education and education…”   You don’t need a Prime Minister to tell you that education makes a difference. Many skills are acquired through schooling, and yet there is a crucial life skill (at least one!) that school does not teach, in fact it actively (by which I don’t mean deliberately, necessarily) discourages it. Even…